Nov 6, 2024- Undergraduate member Layla Mravac has been named as a 2024-2025 Quad Research Scholar. Congratulations Layla!
June 24, 2024- The Yang group in collaboration with the Zhong group and Prof. Peter Littlewood was awarded Moore foundation grant to build new superconductors with photonic crystal cavities. Read about the story in PME website here.
March 29, 2023- Patrick won this year’s NSF GRFP fellowship! Huge congrats!
March 23, 2023- Woojoo and Sebastian’s Nature Physics paper got published today. A PME press release features the work here. Congratulations!
February 07, 2023- Undergraduate member Bill Zheng has been named as a 2022-2023 Quad Research Scholar. Congratulations Bill!
February 02, 2022- The Yang Lab welcomes our new postdoc member, Dr. Qiang Gao. Welcome, Dr. Gao!
February 02, 2022- Jess won the poster award at the MRSEC symposium. Congrats, Jess!
January 27, 2022- Shuolong was awarded NSF grant to manufacture new quantum devices. Read about the story in PME website here.
December 29, 2022- Chenhui’s recent Nano Letters paper has been selected as the cover story. Congratulations, Chenhui!
December 01, 2022- The Yang lab is excited to welcome Dr. Gabriele Berruto, the newest member of our group!
November 15, 2022- Shuolong was interviewed by Inside Quantum Technologies on Chenhui’s recent MnBi6Te10 paper. Read about the story here.
November 11, 2022- The new Oxide MBE system has arrived and been moved into Jones 022!
October 31, 2022- Chenhui’s research on MnBi6Te10 has been published in Nano Letters. Congratulations Chenhui! Learn about this work in PME’s News as well.
October 1, 2022- Yang lab welcomes Patrick Singleton, a new graduate student in our group!
September 01, 2022- Shuolong won a new DOE award jointly with Prof. Chong Liu and Prof. Shirley Meng for the multi-PI project titled “Electric field driven precision material synthesis.” Congratulations!
August 30, 2022- Chenhui was featured by UChicago Civic Engagement news with his leadership in the TeachQuantum summer program.
June 7, 2022- Shuolong has been awarded the U.S. Department of Energy’s Early Career Research Program. This award will support Yang Lab’s research on new topological superconductors and other quantum materials.
June 2, 2022- Rahim successfully defended his undergraduate thesis work “Analysis of Strontium Titanate RHEED during annealing using Principal Component Analysis and Non-negative Matrix Factorisation.” Congratulations Rahim!
May 31, 2022- Chenhui’s joint paper on MBT147 has been published in Phys. Rev. Materials. Congratulations Chenhui!
May 18, 2022- Undergraduate member Jess has been awarded a Quad Summer Undergraduate Research Award. Congratulations Jess!
April 2022- The Yang Lab welcomes new undergraduate member Bill Zheng who has already been awarded a Metcalf award to pursue research in our lab. Welcome Bill!
April 4, 2022- Emanuel was offered a 2022 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship (GRF)! We are very proud!
December 6, 2021- Shuolong has won an NSF CAREER award which will enable the Yang group to fabricate and characterize the next generation of topological superconductors.
November 16, 2021- Undergraduate member Emanuel Green has been named as a 2021-2022 Quad Research Scholar. Congratulations Emanuel!
November 10, 2021- The Yang Group’s instrumentation paper has been published in Review of Scientific Instruments and described in a new PME article. Congratulations to everyone for this group effort!
November 2021- The Yang group in collaboration with the Zhong group has won a MRSEC seeding grant to pursue cavity-driven hybrid topological materials.
October 2021- The Yang Lab has two new members in PhD students Duy Nguyen and Haoran Lin. Welcome to the group!
July 1, 2021- We are excited to welcome our newest member Dr. Woojoo Lee who is here for his postdoc studies. Welcome Woojoo!
June 29, 2021-The paper by postdoc Dr. Chenhui Yan on MBT124 has been accepted to Physics Review B Letters. Congratulations Chenhui!
May 2, 2021- Undergraduate member Robin Erdakos has received a Metcalf grant to fund his summer research!
March 25, 2021- Shuolong gives an invited webinar at the NSF 2D Crystal Consortium hosted at Pennsylvania State University.
Mar. 1, 2021- We are excited to welcome Dr. Hossein Rokni to join us for postdoc studies. Welcome, Hossein!
Dec. 31, 2020- Our Microscopy And Spectroscopy for Transient Electronic-matter Research Platform is fully commissioned, achieving a time resolution < 35 fs in trARPES, a spatial resolution < 10 microns in microARPES, and an energy resolution < 4 meV in ultrahigh resolution laser-ARPES.
Nov 5, 2020- Our Microscopy And Spectroscopy for Transient Electronic-matter Research Platform is first integrated!
Oct, 2020- Yang lab welcomes Phys 335 graduate students Henry Liu and Diego Sepulveda. Welcome, Henry and Diego!
Sep. 30, 2020- Nikola is chosen to participate in the NSF QISE-NET program. Congratulations, Nikola!
Sep. 28, 2020- Shuolong wins a new NSF grant to support the development of a nano-scale MBE system for fabricating quantum devices from exotic materials! See here for more information.
Jun. 15, 2020- Yang Lab returns from COVID-19 lockdown in limited capacity.
Feb. 17, 2020- ARPES bake is complete, and Light Conversion and Coherent laser systems are installed. Experiments here we come!
Sep. 12, 2019- Our lab renovation in the Jones basement is done! We have a new lab and new student office.
Apr. 10, 2019. Shuolong’s paper on coherent phonon studies in Bi2212 using time-resolved ARPES has been accepted by Phys. Rev. Lett. (pre-print on arXiv)
Apr. 1, 2019- The Yang Group is officially launched by Chenhui, Riku, and Shuolong.
Sep. 13, 2018- We are excited to have Dr. Chenhui Yan join us in April 2019 as a postdoctoral scholar. Welcome, Chenhui!
May 31, 2018- Shuolong gave an invited talk on “Understanding the co-operative optimization of FeSe” at the 2nd Emergent Phenomena in Quantum Systems Postdoctoral Symposium, hosted by the Moore foundation.
Mar. 7, 2018- Shuolong gave an invited talk on “Understanding the co-operative optimization of FeSe/SrTiO3 thin films” at the American Physical Society March Meeting in L.A. Talk abstract.