Photo credit to John Zich

Current Members
Meet the current Members of the Yang Lab!

Shuolong Yang
Assistant Professor of Molecular Engineering
Prof. Shuolong Yang is an expert on thin-film synthesis and photoemission spectroscopy on quantum materials. Being a pioneer in combining atomic level engineering and femtosecond temporal control, Prof. Yang significantly advanced the physics understanding of unconventional superconductors and topological materials. Under his leadership, the Yang group has established the first-of-its-kind Microscopy And Spectroscopy for Transient Electronic-matter Research (MASTER) Platform. Prof. Yang obtained his B.S. in Physics at Stanford University in 2010. He continued to finish his Ph.D. in Applied Physics at Stanford in 2016. Before starting at the University of Chicago, he was a postdoctoral fellow at Cornell University, working at the intersection between condensed matter physics and materials science. Prof. Yang has been the recipient of several prestigious scholarships and fellowships, including DOE Early Career Award, NSF CAREER Award, Kavli Institute at Cornell Postdoctoral Fellowship, Stanford Graduate Fellowship, J. E. Wallace Sterling Award for Scholastic Achievement at Stanford and The Larry Yung Scholarship at Stanford.

Hossein Rokni
Postdoctoral Scholar
In the Yang Lab, Hossein mainly focuses on the development of a novel direct nanoscale printing setup based on an integrated laser-molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) system to fabricate nanoelectronics for new applications in quantum and molecular engineering. Moreover, he is interested in designing nanoscale optoelectronics based on our novel nanoMBE-grown materials to explore light-matter interactions down to the quantum level. Prior to joining the Yang Lab in 2021, Hossein earned his Ph.D. from University of Michigan, M.S. from University of British Columbia and B.S. from Iran University of Science and Technology, all in Mechanical Engineering. During his PhD studies, Hossein developed a novel nanomanipulation setup combined with multiscale modeling at the atomistic and continuum levels to advance our fundamental understanding of nanoscale interlayer behavior of 2D layered materials and their vdW heterostructures. He is the recipient of the 2015 I.K. McIvor Award for excellence in research and scholarship in applied mechanics, 2016 Rackham Predoctoral Fellowship for creative and ambitious PhD research, and 2018 AFM Park Award for exceptional nanocharacterization research with impact of an exemplary nanoscience scholar.

Gabriele (Ghil) Berruto
Postdoctoral Scholar
Ghil joined the Yang Lab in November 2022. He is an experimentalist, with interests in ultrafast and condensed-matter physics. He earned his Ph.D. in physics from EPFL (Switzerland), where he specialized in ultrafast electron microscopy. There, he demonstrated the laser-induced creation and manipulation of nanoscopic spin textures with nontrivial topology. He also worked extensively on precisely controlling the inelastic scattering between transient light fields and free electrons. He has BSc and MSc from the University of Trieste (Italy), where he worked on nonlinear optics and ultrafast spectroscopy. In the Yang Lab he will perform tr-ARPES experiments on novel and topological quantum materials, integrating his expertise into the research lines of the group.

Qiang Gao
Postdoctoral Scholar
Qiang joined the Yang Group in January 2023. He mainly focus on studying light-induced emergent phenomena in quantum materials by using time-resolved ARPES. He is also interested in integrating time-resolved ARPES with sophisticated sample preparation techniques including thin film exfoliation, electric field tuning and strain engineering. He received his PhD degree in condensed matter physics from the Institute of Physics, the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Before joining the Yang Lab, he studied the electronic structure of cuprates by using high-resolution laser ARPES and the magnetic and charge ordering in nickelates by using resonant X-ray scattering.

Yunhe Bai
Postdoctoral Scholar-Quantum Fellow
Yunhe joined the Yang Group in December 2023. Currently, his primary research areas include ultrafast optics, superconductivity, and topological physics. He obtained his Ph.D. in physics from Tsinghua University in 2023, where his research encompassed thin film engineering, material characterizations, electrical transport measurements, and micro-/nano-fabrications. Prior to his current focus, he concentrated on quantum materials and topological matter physics. His specialization during his Ph.D. studies was in the quantum anomalous Hall effect, magnetic topological insulators, and heterostructures based on topological materials.

Haoran Lin
PhD Student
Haoran Lin is a PhD student at the Yang Group. Before joining UChicago, he received his Bachelor of Science in Engineering Physics and Bachelor of Science in Mathematics from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Haoran worked on transport properties of topological insulators during his undergraduate research. He is interested in experimental condensed matter physics in general. Currently, he is working on probing topological materials using time-resolved and angle-resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy (trARPES).

K. Duy Nguyen
PhD Student
Duy Nguyen is a Ph.D. student from the QSE program of PME. He received his bachelor’s degree from Tohoku University, Japan. His scientific interests are the topics of quantum materials such as matters with nontrivial topological phases and superconductivity. He aims to use (tr)ARPES and MBE to realize and discover these exotic behaviors in novel engineered materials.

Patrick Singleton
PhD Student
Patrick Singleton is a PhD student in the Quantum Science and Engineering program at the Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering. He received a joint Bachelor’s degree in math and physics from Harvard University. Patrick is interested in leveraging the power of Molecular Beam Epitaxy for the synthesis of qubit systems, bridging condensed matter physics with quantum hardware fabrication.

Bill Zheng
Undergraduate Researcher
Bill is an undergraduate student at the college from Beijing, China. He is majoring in physics and minoring in philosophy. He is interested in quantum engineering and condensed matter physics. In particular, he is interested in studying the properties of SrTiO3 using reflection high-energy electron diffraction.

Layla Mravac
Undergraduate Researcher
Layla is an undergraduate student at the college, and she is a local of Chicago, Illinois. She plans to major in molecular engineering. Layla has researched the behaviors of high-entropy oxide battery anodes using x-ray absorption spectroscopy. She is interested in probing the properties of quantum materials, as well as the layer-by-layer fabrication of materials using MBE, quantum information science, and post-quantum cryptography.

Connor Blake
Undergraduate Researcher
Connor is an undergraduate majoring in molecular engineering and minoring in computer science from Texas. He is interested in computational modeling, topological physics, and nanofabrication. He has previously worked on DFT and tight-binding models for understanding new quasicrystals.
Meet the former Members of the Yang Lab!
Yue Meng
Undergraduate Visiting Researcher
Yue Meng was a visiting student from Tsinghua University in 2023. She helped build the RCD setup. Currently, she is pursuing PhD research in the Physics Department at UT Austin.

Woojoo Lee
Postdoctoral Scholar (2021-2023)
Woojoo was a postdoctoral researcher in the Yang group. His research interests lie in the field of light-matter interaction including light-induced non-equilibrium states, e.g., emerging new exotic quantum phases and floquet states, using time-resolved ARPES(trARPES) as a tool. He received his PhD degree in physics at the University of Texas at Austin. During his PhD, he investigated different 2D quantum materials utilizing 6eV / XUV-trARPES and static ARPES to explore occupied & unoccupied electronic band structures, electron dynamics and exciton physics. He also built an integrated 6eV-trARPES system for his research. Now he is a faculty member at the Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS).

Chi Ian (Jess) Ip
Undergraduate Researcher (2020-2023)
Jess Ip was an undergraduate student from Macau, China, majoring in physics and philosophy at the College. She is interested in studying the properties of high-temperature superconductors in the ultra-thin limit and coupling them with nanophotonic and quantum devices such as photonic crystal cavities to investigate their peculiar cavity-driven many-body physics. She also led the project of liberating and manipulating topological insulator thin films in our lab. Jess is now pursuing her Ph.D. degree in Physics at MIT.

Chenhui Yan
Postdoctoral Scholar (2019-2022)
Dr. Chenhui Yan joined the Yang group from April 2019 till October 2022. He is interested in interfacial engineering of quantum materials including topological materials, single-layer FeSe/SrTiO3 interface superconductor and 2D transition metal dichalcogenides. His expertise includes but not limits to Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE), Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM), and Angle-resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy (ARPES). Now Chenhui is a scientist at ASM International.

Emanuel Green
Undergraduate Student (2019-2022)
Emanuel was an undergraduate student at the college from Atlanta, Georgia. He majored in physics and mathematics. He is interested in nanoscale science and quantum engineering including using molecular beam epitaxy as a platform to design and build microdevices. In addition, he is also interested in studying the properties of thin films and novel superconducting materials. In Yang lab, he contributed to setting up the MASTER platform from the beginning as well as other projects. Emanuel is now a Ph.D. student at Caltech, Department of Applied Physics and Materials Science.

Rahim Raja
Undergraduate Student (2020-2022)
In Yang lab, Rahim worked on RHEED analysis for his undergraduate thesis, he is now a Ph.D. student at UIUC, Department of Materials Science and Engineering.

Robin Erdakos
Undergraduate Student (2020-2022)
Robin was an undergraduate researcher in the Yang Lab in 2021. He majored in physics and minored in molecular engineering at the college while studying image potential states in topological materials in the Yang Lab. He is now a Master’s student at Northwestern University.

Rikuto Fukumori
Undergraduate Student (2019-2021)
Riku worked in the Yang lab from June 2019 to September 2020 on ultrafast high resolution photoemission setup. He is now a PhD student at Caltech, Department of Applied Physics and Materials Science.

Sebastian Fernandez-Mulligan
Researcher (2019-2021)
Sebastian was a graduate of the College at the University of Chicago from 2020. He was assisting in the design and implementation of the Yang Lab instrumentation. Now Sebastian is a Ph.D. student at Yale University.

Diego Alonso Garcia Sepulveda
Experimental Project Student (2020-2021)
Diego joined the Yang Group in Autumn 2020 for his Ph.D. experimental project. In the Yang Group, he was in general terms interested in working on the topological properties revealed by condensed-matter systems. In particular, he was interested in the observation and control of topological phase transitions in film FeTeSe using time-resolved ARPES.

Minzhao (Henry) Liu
Experimental Project Student (2020-2021)
Minzhao Liu was a graduate student at the Yang Group for his experimental project. He was investigating electron-phonon coupling in cuprate high-temperature superconductors in our lab. He is also interested in topological phases of matter, quantum information, and computer science.
We are Hiring!
Job title: PhD student
Job description: We are seeking talented PhD students to work at the frontiers of materials science and condensed matter physics. Students will use molecular beam epitaxy to fabricate artificial functional materials, and use angle-resolved photoemission to directly resolve the electronic band structures. They will explore new possibilities of interfacial phenomena including but not limited to interfacial superconductivity, interfacial topological phenomena, and interfacial devices. Backgrounds in solid state physics and materials science and engineering are preferred.
Please send your CV to Prof. Yang (
Job title: Postdoctoral scholar
Job description: We are seeking experts in hard condensed matter with experience on thin film deposition or angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. Candidates with a strong background on ultrafast optical spectroscopy are also strongly encouraged to apply. Projects include 1) Phenomena at the interface between chalcogenide and oxide materials. 2) Hybrid opto-solid state systems enabled by MBE and ultrafast electron spectroscopy. Postdocs will be given opportunities to work at the material deposition and characterization lab on the main campus of the University of Chicago, and also will be exposed to potential collaborations at Argonne National Laboratory.
Please send your CV to Prof. Yang (